SOFIRpy allows you to easily store and read your simulation data.

Creating and manipulating a simulation run

You can create a simulation run by importing the Run class. The Run class is instantiated by providing a config file. The config file defines all relevant simulation data. The config file has the following structure:

    "run_meta": {
        "description": "Here you can add a description",
        "keywords": [
    "models": {
        "DC_Motor": {
            "start_values": {
                "inertia.J": 2,
                "damper.phi_rel.start": 1
            "connections": [
                    "parameter_name": "u",
                    "connect_to_system": "pid",
                    "connect_to_external_parameter": "u"
            "parameters_to_log": [
        "pid": {
            "start_values": {
                "sampling_rate": 1e-3,
                "K_p": 3,
                "K_i": 20,
                "K_d": 0.1,
                "set_point": 100,
                "u_max": 100,
                "u_min": 0
            "connections": [
                    "parameter_name": "speed",
                    "connect_to_system": "DC_Motor",
                    "connect_to_external_parameter": "y"
            "parameters_to_log": [
    "simulation_config": {
        "stop_time": 10,
        "step_size": 1e-3,
        "logging_step_size": 1e-2

The class can then be instantiated as follows:

from sofirpy import Run

run_name = "Run_1"
config_path = Path("example_config.json")
model_classes = {"pid": PID}
fmu_path = Path("DC_Motor.fmu")
fmu_paths = {"DC_Motor": fmu_path}

run = Run.from_config_file(run_name, config_path, fmu_paths, model_classes)

Alternatively a run can be instantiated by providing the configuration without a configuration file. See Run.from_config for full documentation.

from sofirpy import Run

run_name = "Run_1"
config_path = Path("example_config.json")
model_classes = {"pid": PID}
fmu_path = Path("DC_Motor.fmu")
fmu_paths = {"DC_Motor": fmu_path}

run = Run.from_config(

The Run class offers multiple methods to read or manipulate the simulation data. Few examples:

run.stop_time = 100 # change the stop time
    parameter_name="<name of the parameter>",
) # set the start value of a parameter
path_to_fmu = run.get_fmu_path("<model_name>") # get the path of a fmu

See Run for all available methods.

After configuration the run can be simulated by calling the simulate method:

result = run.time_series
units = run.units

Storing a Run

The simulated run can then be stored inside a hdf5 file. All relevant data is stored to be able to recreate the simulation.

run.to_hdf5(hdf5_path = "path/to/hdf5")

If the HDF5 file doesn’t already exist, it will be created for you automatically. The HDF5 file is then initialized by adding metadata and creating a “models” group within it. The FMUs are stored as binary data inside this group. The custom defined model_classes are preserved by storing their source code. If possible these classes are also serialized using cloudpickle. This makes it easy to rerun the simulation from the hdf5. However, it is not always possible to read back the serialized model_classes. In Loading a Run the limitations are discussed.

A new run will be stored in a top level group with the name of the run. All the configuration data, results and the dependencies of your python environment are stored here.


The start values need to be json serializable. If this is not the case the serialize and deserialize behavior of the start_values can be changed.

To change the serialization and deserialization behavior for the start values custom methods can be defined as follows:

from sofirpy import Run
import sofirpy.rdm.hdf5.hdf5 as h5
from sofirpy.rdm.hdf5.serialize import Serializer, DatasetSerializer
from sofirpy.rdm.hdf5.deserialize import Deserialize, Deserializer
import pickle

class StartValuesSerializer(DatasetSerializer):
    def serialize(run: Run, model_name: str) -> bytes:
        model = run.models[model_name]
        return pickle.dumps(model.start_values)


class StartValuesDeserializer(Deserialize):
    def deserialize(run_group: h5.Group, data: bytes) -> dict:
        return pickle.loads(data)


Loading a Run

Loading a run from a hdf5 can be achieved as follows:

from sofirpy import Run

Run.from_hdf5(run_name="run_name", hdf5_path = "path/to/hdf5")

The ability to simulate a stored run from an HDF5 file depends on the compatibility of the current environment with the environment at the time the run was saved. Specifically, if both the operating system and Python version of the current environment match those of the original run, it is feasible to rerun the simulation.

However, if there is a disparity in the Python version, and custom model classes were defined in the original run, rerunning the simulation might not be possible. Nevertheless, the model classes can be manually reconstructed using the stored source code of the classes and the dependencies used when storing the run.

In cases where the operating system differs from the one in which the run was initially executed, simulating the model classes and the FMUs could fail.

If a rerun of the simulation was successful all the metadata of the run will be updated.