
SOFIRpy allows you to co-simulate multiple FMUs and custom implemented python models.

Arguments to the simulate Function

The function simulate accepts the following arguments:


Define the stop_time in seconds.

stop_time = 10 # 10 seconds of simulation will be performed


Define the step_size in seconds. Needs to be greater than 0 and smaller than the stop_time.

step_size = 1 # starting from 0, each second a step in each model is performed until the stop_time is reached.


Define which FMUs should be simulated by passing a dictionary with the name of the fmu and the file path as value. The name of the FMUs can be chosen arbitrarily, but each name must occur only once.

# simulate one FMU named DC_Motor
fmu_paths = {"<fmu_name>": "<Path/to/fmu>"}


Define the custom implemented python models that should be simulated by passing a dictionary with the name of the python model and the model as value. The python models are classes that inherit from the abstract class SimulationEntity. This class defines 3 abstract methods that must be implemented by your custom python models:

Additionally 3 optional method can be implemented:


from sofirpy import SimulationEntity

# First define the class
class Foo(SimulationEntity):

    def __init__(self):
        self.parameters = {"parameter1": 0, "parameter2": 0}
        self.units = {"parameter1": "m", "parameter2": "V"}

    def do_step(self, time: float):  # mandatory method
        self.parameter["parameter1"] += time/100
        self.parameter["parameter2"] += 1

    def set_parameter(
        self, parameter_name, parameter_value
    ) -> None:  # mandatory method
        self.parameters[parameter_name] = parameter_value

    def get_parameter_value(self, output_name):  # mandatory method
        return self.parameters[output_name]

    def initialize(self, start_values) -> None:  # optional
        for name, value in start_values.items():
            self.parameters[name] = value

    def get_unit(self, parameter_name) -> Optional[str]: #optional
        return self.units.get(parameter_name)

    def conclude_simulation(self) -> None: # optional
        print("Concluded simulation!")

# simulate one python model called foo
model_classes = {"foo": Foo} # we pass the class not the instance!


A class is passed as the values of the dictionary not an instance of the class.


Define how the inputs and outputs of the systems are connected.

Lets assume we have the following configuration.


Each input of a system must have a corresponding output of another system it is connected to. We define these connections as follows:

connections_config = {
    "FMU1": [
            "parameter_name": "fmu1_input1",
            "connect_to_system": "CustomSystem1",
            "connect_to_external_parameter": "custom_system1_output1",
    "FMU2": [
            "parameter_name": "fmu2_input1",
            "connect_to_system": "FMU1",
            "connect_to_external_parameter": "fmu1_output2",
    "CustomSystem1": [
            "parameter_name": "custom_system1_input1",
            "connect_to_system": "FMU1",
            "connect_to_external_parameter": "fmu1_output1",
            "parameter_name": "custom_system1_input2",
            "connect_to_system": "CustomSystem2",
            "connect_to_external_parameter": "custom_system2_output1",

The keys of the dictionary are the names of the systems that have at least one input. The values of the dictionary define how a input of the system is connected to the output of another system.


Define start_values for your systems. For the fmus you can also pass the unit of the value. The start values for a each system will be passed to the initialize method of the corresponding class.

start_values = {
    "<name of system 1>":
        "<name of parameter 1>": <start value>,
        "<name of parameter 2>", (<start value>, unit e.g 'kg.m2')
    "<name of system 2>":
        "<name of parameter 1>": <start value>,
        "<name of parameter 2>": <start value>


Define which parameters should be logged during the simulation.

parameters_to_log = {
        "<name of system 1>":
            "<name of parameter 1>",
            "<name of parameter 2>",
        "<name of system 2>":
            "<name of parameter 1>",
            "<name of parameter 2>",


Define a logging step size. The logging step size must be a multiple of the step size.


Define whether to return a dictionary with units of the logged parameters. If the units are not defined inside your implemented classes they will be set to None.

Return values of the simulate function

The function simulate returns the following:


The results of the simulation is a pandas DataFrame. The first column is the time. The other columns are are named as follows ‘<system_name>.<parameter_name>’ for all the logged parameters.


Dictionary of units of the logged parameters.