Source code for sofirpy.fmu_export.dymola_fmu_export

"""This module allows to export a Dymola model as a fmu."""
from __future__ import annotations

import re
import subprocess
import tempfile
from html import unescape
from pathlib import Path
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Final, Literal, Union

from typing_extensions import Self, TypeAlias

from sofirpy import utils
from sofirpy.fmu_export.fmu_export import FmuExport, FmuExportError

ParameterValue: TypeAlias = Union[
    list[Union[int, float, str, bool]],

[docs] class DymolaFmuExport(FmuExport): """Object that performs the Dymola fmu export. Args: model_path (Path): Path to the modelica model that should be exported. model_name (str): Name of the model that should be exported. If the model that should be exported is inside a package, separate the package name and the model name with a '.'. fmu_name (str | None, optional): Name the exported fmu should have. If not specified the fmu will have the same name as the model. Defaults to None. parameters (dict[str, ParameterValue], optional): Dictionary of parameter names and values. Example: >>> parameters = {"Resistor.R" : "1", ... "Resistor.useHeatPort": True} Defaults to None. model_modifiers (list[str]], optional): List of model modifiers. Example: >>> model_modifiers = [ ... "redeclare package Medium = " ... "Modelica.Media.Water.ConstantPropertyLiquidWater" ... ] Defaults to None. packages (list[str], optional): List of model/package paths that need to be loaded as dependencies for the model. Defaults to None. output_directory (Path | None, optional): Output directory for the fmu, the log and the mos script. Defaults to None. fmi_version (Literal[1, 2], optional): FMI version, 1 or 2. Defaults to 2. fmi_type (Literal["me", "cs", "all", "csSolver"], optional): FMI type, me (model exchange), cs (co-simulation), all or csSolver (using Dymola solver). Defaults to "all". include_source (bool, optional): Whether to include source code in FMU. Defaults to False. include_image (Literal[0, 1, 2], optional): Whether to include the model image (0 - no image, 1 icon, 2 diagram). Defaults to 2. """ files_to_delete: Final[list[str]] = [ "dslog.txt", "fmiModelIdentifier.h", "dsmodel.c", "buildlog.txt", "dsmodel_fmuconf.h", "~FMUOutput", "dsin.txt", ] def __init__( self, model_path: Path, model_name: str, fmu_name: str | None = None, parameters: dict[str, ParameterValue] | None = None, model_modifiers: list[str] | None = None, packages: list[str | Path] | None = None, output_directory: Path | None = None, fmi_version: Literal[1, 2] = 2, fmi_type: Literal["me", "cs", "all", "csSolver"] = "all", include_source: bool = False, include_image: Literal[0, 1, 2] = 2, ) -> None: self.model_name = model_name if fmu_name is None: fmu_name = self.model_name self.fmu_name = fmu_name self._dump_directory = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) fmu_path = model_path.parent / f"{self.fmu_name}.fmu" super().__init__(model_path, fmu_path, output_directory) self.mos_file_path = ( self._dump_directory / f"export_script_{self.model_name}.mos" ) self.simulator_log_path = self._dump_directory / f"log_{self.model_name}.txt" self.error_log_path = self._dump_directory / f"errors_{self.model_name}.txt" if parameters is None: parameters = {} self.parameters = parameters if model_modifiers is None: model_modifiers = [] self.model_modifiers = model_modifiers if packages is None: packages = [] # converts strings to path if paths are given as a string self.packages = [ utils.convert_str_to_path(path, "package_path") for path in packages ] self._paths_to_delete = [ self.model_directory / name for name in self.files_to_delete ] self.fmi_version = fmi_version self.fmi_type = fmi_type self.include_source = "true" if include_source else "false" self.include_image = include_image @property def model_name(self) -> str: """Name of the model. Returns: str: Name of the model. """ return self._model_name @model_name.setter def model_name(self, model_name: str) -> None: """Name of the model. Args: model_name (str): Name of the model. Raises: TypeError: type of model_name was invalid """ utils.check_type(model_name, "model_name", str) self._model_name = model_name @property def parameters(self) -> dict[str, ParameterValue]: """Dictionary of parameter names and values. Returns: dict[str, ParameterValue]: Dictionary of parameter names and values """ return self._parameters @parameters.setter def parameters(self, parameters: dict[str, ParameterValue]) -> None: """Set dictionary of parameter names and values. Args: parameters (dict[str, ParameterValue]): Dictionary of parameter names and values Raises: TypeError: 'parameters' type was not 'dict' TypeError: type of key in dictionary was not 'str' TypeError: type of value in dictionary was not 'str', 'int', 'bool', 'float', 'list' """ utils.check_type(parameters, "parameters", dict) self._parameters = {} for com_sym, value in parameters.items(): utils.check_type(com_sym, "key of parameters", str) utils.check_type( value, "value of parameters", (str, int, bool, float, list), ) self._parameters[com_sym] = value @property def model_modifiers(self) -> list[str]: """List of model modifiers. Returns: list[str]: List of model modifiers. """ return self._model_modifiers @model_modifiers.setter def model_modifiers(self, model_modifiers: list[str]) -> None: """Set list of model modifiers. Args: model_modifiers (list[str]): List of model modifiers. Raises: TypeError: 'model_modifiers' type was not 'list' TypeError: type of element in 'model_modifiers' was not 'str' """ utils.check_type(model_modifiers, "model_modifier", list) for modifier in model_modifiers: utils.check_type(modifier, "element in 'model_modifier'", str) self._model_modifiers = [ re.sub(" +", " ", elm.strip()) for elm in model_modifiers ]
[docs] def export_fmu( self, dymola_exe_path: Path, ) -> bool: """Execute commands to export a fmu. Args: dymola_exe_path (Path): Path to the dymola executable. export_simulator_log (bool, optional): If True a simulator log file will be generated. Defaults to True. export_error_log (bool, optional): If True a error log file will be generated. Defaults to True. Returns: bool: True if export is successful else False """ if not dymola_exe_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{dymola_exe_path} does not exit") if not self.mos_file_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{self.mos_file_path} does not exit") cmd = [str(dymola_exe_path), str(self.mos_file_path), "/nowindow"] with subprocess.Popen(cmd) as process: process.wait() if self.fmu_path.exists(): return True return False
[docs] def write_mos_script( self, export_simulator_log: bool = True, ) -> str: """Write the content for the mos file/script. The script contains the necessary instructions to import the specified parameters and model modifiers and export the model as a fmu. Args: export_simulator_log (bool, optional): If True a simulator log file will be generated. Defaults to True. export_error_log (bool, optional): If True a error log file will be generated. Defaults to True. Returns: str: content for the mos script """ parameters = self.format_parameters() input_par = ", ".join(parameters + self.model_modifiers) model_dir_str = str(self.model_directory).replace("\\", "/") model_path_str = str(self.model_path).replace("\\", "/") log_path_str = str(self.simulator_log_path).replace("\\", "/") error_path_str = str(self.error_log_path).replace("\\", "/") mos_script = f'cd("{model_dir_str}");\n' if self.packages: for package in self.packages: package_path_str = str(package).replace("\\", "/") mos_script += f'openModel("{package_path_str}")\n' mos_script += f'openModel("{model_path_str}");\n' mos_script += f'modelInstance = "{self.model_name}(' + input_par + ')";\n' mos_script += ( "translateModelFMU(" "modelInstance, " "false, " f'"{self.fmu_name}", ' f'"{self.fmi_version}", ' f'"{self.fmi_type}", ' f"{self.include_source}, " f"{self.include_image}" ");\n" ) if export_simulator_log: mos_script += f'savelog("{log_path_str}");\n' mos_script += "errors = getLastError();\n" mos_script += f'Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print(errors, "{error_path_str}");\n' mos_script += "Modelica.Utilities.System.exit();" return mos_script
[docs] def create_mos_file(self, mos_script: str) -> None: """Create the mos file with the specified content. Args: mos_script (str): The content for the mos file. """ self.mos_file_path.write_text(mos_script, encoding="utf-8")
[docs] def format_parameters(self) -> list[str]: """Format parameter values. Format parameter values to adjust to dymola scripting syntax and stores the parameter names and values in a list in the following format. >>> parameter_declaration = ['Resistor.R = 1', ... 'Resistor.useHeatPort = true'] Returns: list[str]: List of parameters. """ def convert_to_modelica_value(value: ParameterValue) -> str: if isinstance(value, str): return value if isinstance(value, bool): return "true" if value else "false" if isinstance(value, (int, float)): return str(value) if isinstance(value, list): return ( "{" + ", ".join(convert_to_modelica_value(element) for element in value) + "}" ) raise TypeError( f"value is {type(value)}; expected str, bool, float, int, list", ) parameter_declaration = [] for parameter_name, parameter_value in self.parameters.items(): parameter_value = convert_to_modelica_value(parameter_value) parameter_declaration.append(f"{parameter_name} = {parameter_value}") return parameter_declaration
[docs] def move_files_to_output_directory( self, export_successful: bool, keep_mos: bool, keep_log: bool, ) -> None: """Move the fmu, the mos script and the log to the output directory. Args: export_successful (bool): If True fmu will be moved to the output directory. keep_mos (bool): If True the mos script is moved to the output directory. keep_log (bool): If True the simulator log is moved to the output directory. """ if export_successful: self.move_fmu() if keep_mos: self.move_mos_script() if keep_log: self.move_log_file()
[docs] def move_mos_script(self) -> None: """Move the mos script to the output directory.""" new_mos_path = self.output_directory / utils.move_file(self.mos_file_path, new_mos_path) self.mos_file_path = new_mos_path
[docs] def move_log_file(self) -> None: """Move the log file to the output directory.""" new_log_path = self.output_directory / utils.move_file(self.simulator_log_path, new_log_path) self.simulator_log_path = new_log_path
[docs] def read_dymola_error(self) -> str: """Read the Dymola error message. Returns: str: Dymola error message """ return unescape(self.error_log_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8"))
def __enter__(self) -> Self: return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: type[BaseException] | None, exc_val: BaseException | None, exc_tb: TracebackType | None, ) -> None: utils.delete_paths(self._paths_to_delete) utils.delete_file_or_directory(self._dump_directory)
[docs] def export_dymola_model( *, dymola_exe_path: Path | str, model_path: Path | str, model_name: str, fmu_name: str | None = None, output_directory: Path | str | None = None, parameters: dict[str, ParameterValue] | None = None, model_modifiers: list[str] | None = None, packages: list[str | Path] | None = None, fmi_version: Literal[1, 2] = 2, fmi_type: Literal["me", "cs", "all", "csSolver"] = "all", include_source: bool = False, include_image: Literal[0, 1, 2] = 2, keep_log: bool = False, keep_mos: bool = False, ) -> Path: """Export a dymola model as a fmu. Args: dymola_exe_path (Path | str): Path to the dymola executable. model_path (Path | str): Path to the dymola model that should be exported. model_name (str): Name of the model that should be exported. If the model that should be exported is inside a package, separate the package name and the model name with a '.'. fmu_name (str | None, optional): Name the exported fmu should have. If not specified the fmu will have the same name as the model. Defaults to None. output_directory (Path | str): Output directory for the fmu, the log and the mos script. Defaults to None. parameters (dict[str, ParameterValue], optional): Dictionary of parameter names and values. Example: >>> parameters = {"Resistor.R" : "1", "Resistor.useHeatPort": True} Defaults to None. model_modifiers (list[str]], optional): List of model modifiers. Example: >>> model_modifiers = ["redeclare package Medium =" ... "Modelica.Media.Water.ConstantPropertyLiquidWater"] Defaults to None. packages (list[str | Path] | None, optional): List of model/package paths that need to be loaded as dependencies for the model. Defaults to None. fmi_version (Literal[1, 2], optional): FMI version, 1 or 2. Defaults to 2. fmi_type (Literal["me", "cs", "all", "csSolver"], optional): FMI type, me (model exchange), cs (co-simulation), all or csSolver (using Dymola solver). Defaults to "all". include_source (bool, optional): Whether to include source code in FMU. Defaults to False. include_image (Literal[0, 1, 2], optional): Whether to include the model image (0 - no image, 1 icon, 2 diagram). Defaults to 2. keep_log (bool, optional): If True the simulator log is kept else it will be deleted. Defaults to False. keep_mos (bool, optional): If True the mos script is kept else it will be deleted. Defaults to False. Returns: Path: Path to the exported FMU. """ dymola_exe_path = utils.convert_str_to_path(dymola_exe_path, "dymola_exe_path") model_path = utils.convert_str_to_path(model_path, "model_path") if output_directory is not None: output_directory = utils.convert_str_to_path( output_directory, "output_directory", ) _validate_fmu_export_settings(fmi_version, fmi_type, include_source, include_image) with DymolaFmuExport( model_path, model_name, fmu_name, parameters, model_modifiers, packages, output_directory, fmi_version, fmi_type, include_source, include_image, ) as dymola_exporter: mos_script = dymola_exporter.write_mos_script(export_simulator_log=keep_log) dymola_exporter.create_mos_file(mos_script) successful = dymola_exporter.export_fmu(dymola_exe_path) dymola_exporter.move_files_to_output_directory(successful, keep_mos, keep_log) if not successful: err = dymola_exporter.read_dymola_error() raise FmuExportError( f"Fmu export was not successful.\nDymola error message:\n{err}\n", ) return dymola_exporter.fmu_path
def _validate_fmu_export_settings( fmi_version: Literal[1, 2], fmi_type: Literal["me", "cs", "all", "csSolver"], include_source: bool, include_image: Literal[0, 1, 2], ) -> None: if fmi_version not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError(f"'fmi_version' is {fmi_version}; expected 1 or 2") if fmi_type not in ["me", "cs", "all", "csSolver"]: raise ValueError( f"'fmi_type' is {fmi_type}; expected 'me', 'cs', 'all' or 'csSolver'", ) utils.check_type(include_source, "include_source", bool) if include_image not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError(f"'include_image' is {include_image}; expected 0, 1 or 2")