Source code for sofirpy.simulation.fmu

"""Module containing the Fmu class."""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable

from fmpy import extract, read_model_description
from fmpy.fmi2 import FMU2Slave
from fmpy.simulation import (

import sofirpy.common as co
from sofirpy.simulation.simulation_entity import SimulationEntity

SetterFunction = Callable[[list[int], list[co.ParameterValue]], None]
GetterFunction = Callable[[list[int]], list[co.ParameterValue]]

[docs] class Fmu(SimulationEntity): """Class representing a fmu. Args: fmu_path (Path): path to the fmu step_size (float): step size of the simulation """ def __init__(self, fmu_path: Path, name: str, step_size: float) -> None: self.fmu_path = fmu_path = name self.step_size = step_size @property def fmu_path(self) -> Path: """Path to the fmu. Returns: Path: Path to the fmu. """ return self._fmu_path @fmu_path.setter def fmu_path(self, fmu_path: Path) -> None: """Set the fmu path. Args: fmu_path (str): The path to the fmu. Raises: FileNotFoundError: fmu_path doesn't exist """ if not fmu_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"The path '{fmu_path}' does not exist") self._fmu_path = fmu_path
[docs] def initialize(self, start_values: dict[str, co.StartValue]) -> None: """Initialize the fmu. Args: start_time (float, optional): start time. Defaults to 0. """ self.model_description = read_model_description(self.fmu_path) self.model_description_dict = { variable for variable in self.model_description.modelVariables } unzip_dir = extract(self.fmu_path) self.fmu = FMU2Slave( guid=self.model_description.guid, unzipDirectory=unzip_dir, modelIdentifier=self.model_description.coSimulation.modelIdentifier, instanceName=f"fmu_{}", ) self.setter_functions: dict[str, SetterFunction] = { "Boolean": self.fmu.setBoolean, "Integer": self.fmu.setInteger, "Real": self.fmu.setReal, "Enumeration": self.fmu.setInteger, } self.getter_functions: dict[str, GetterFunction] = { "Boolean": self.fmu.getBoolean, "Integer": self.fmu.getInteger, "Real": self.fmu.getReal, } self.fmu.instantiate() self.fmu.setupExperiment() not_set_start_values = apply_start_values( self.fmu, self.model_description, start_values, settable_in_instantiated, ) self.fmu.enterInitializationMode() not_set_start_values = apply_start_values( self.fmu, self.model_description, not_set_start_values, settable_in_initialization_mode, ) if not_set_start_values: logging.warning( f"The following start values for the FMU '{}' " f"can not be set:\n{not_set_start_values}", ) self.fmu.exitInitializationMode()
[docs] def set_parameter( self, parameter_name: str, parameter_value: co.ParameterValue, ) -> None: var_type = self.model_description_dict[parameter_name].type self.setter_functions[var_type]( [self.model_description_dict[parameter_name].valueReference], [parameter_value], )
[docs] def get_parameter_value(self, parameter_name: str) -> co.ParameterValue: """Return the value of a parameter. Args: parameter_name (str): name of parameter whose value is to be obtained Returns: ParameterValue: value of the parameter """ var_type = self.model_description_dict[parameter_name].type value: co.ParameterValue = self.getter_functions[var_type]( [self.model_description_dict[parameter_name].valueReference], )[0] return value
[docs] def do_step(self, time: float) -> None: """Perform a simulation step. Args: time (float): current time """ self.fmu.doStep( currentCommunicationPoint=time, communicationStepSize=self.step_size, )
[docs] def conclude_simulation(self) -> None: """Conclude the simulation process of the FMU.""" self.fmu.terminate() self.fmu.freeInstance()
[docs] def get_unit(self, parameter_name: str) -> str | None: """Return the unit of a variable. Args: parameter_name (str): Name of the variable. Returns: str: The unit of the variable. """ unit: str | None = self.model_description_dict[parameter_name].unit return unit
[docs] def get_dtype_of_parameter(self, parameter_name: str) -> type: dtype: type = self.model_description_dict[parameter_name]._python_type return dtype