Source code for sofirpy.simulation.plot

"""This module provides a easy function for plotting the simulation results."""

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.axes
import matplotlib.figure
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

[docs] def plot_results( results: pd.DataFrame, x_name: str, y_name: str | list[str], x_label: str | None = None, y_label: str | None = None, title: str | None = None, legend: str | list[str] | None = None, style_sheet_path: str | Path | None = None, ) -> tuple[matplotlib.axes.Axes, matplotlib.figure.Figure]: """Plot the simulation results. Args: results (pd.DataFrame): Simulation results. x_name (str): Name of data that should be on the x-axis. y_name (str | list[str]): Name of data that should be on the y-axis. For multiple plots, give a list with names as the argument. x_label (str, optional): X-label for the plot. Defaults to None. y_label (str, optional): Y-label for the plot. Defaults to None. title (str, optional): Title for the plot. Defaults to None. legend (str | list[str] | None, optional): Legend for the plot. For multiple plots give a list of strings as the argument. Defaults to None. style_sheet_path (str | Path | None, optional): Path to a matplotlib style sheet. Defaults to None. Returns: tuple[Axes, Figure]: Matplotlib Axes and figure object. """ if style_sheet_path: figure = plt.figure() axes = plt.gca() if title: axes.set_title(title) if x_label: axes.set_xlabel(x_label) if y_label: axes.set_ylabel(y_label) if isinstance(y_name, list): for name in y_name: axes.plot(results[x_name], results[name]) else: axes.plot(results[x_name], results[y_name]) if legend: axes.legend(legend) return axes, figure